Did you know that your gut microbes can influence anxiety?

If you don’t have enough good bacteria such as Bifidobacteria, and too much of the bad bacteria such as Proteobacteria, this imbalance has  been shown to influence both mood and anxiety.

The amount of bacteria in the human body out numbers our human cells by 10 fold.

Understanding this fun fact makes it easier to understand how microbes can have such a large impact on our mood as they are so abundant in our body.

How Bacteria Influences Mood and Anxiety

Gram negative bacteria such as Proteobacteria contain a toxin called lipopolysaccharide (LPS).

LPS is a toxin which is a component of gram negative bacteria. The more bad bacteria you have in your digestive system, the more that this toxin is released.

This toxin has been shown to cross the blood brain barrier, causing inflammation in the brain.

Inflammation in the brain has been shown to induce a depressive like state and worsen anxiety.

If you experience low moods of anxiety, it’s important to address your overall gut health by reducing the bad bacteria in your gut that is creating the LPS toxin.

Three Tips For Better Gut Health

1. Eat More Polyphenol Rich Foods

Polyphenol rich foods are a naturally occurring compound found in purple, red, brown and black plant foods that feed beneficial bacteria. By feeding the good bugs, they will increase in numbers, in turn crowding out the bad bacteria.

Food sources: Purple cabbage, purple carrot, eggplant with the skin on, black or red rice, black beans, red grapes, beetroot, cocoa, 70-85% dark chocolate, green tea, blueberries, strawberries, flaxseed meal.

A great way to get a few of these polyphenol rich foods in your diet is to have a smoothie daily. Click here for the link to Pink Gut Friendly Smoothie.

2. Avoid Binging on Alcohol 

Alcohol not only damages the lining of the digestive system, but it also reduces beneficial bacteria and increases bad bacteria in the gut. At 4 alcoholic drinks it greatly increases the release of LPS from the digestive system into the blood stream, potentially affecting the brain more.

Steer clear from binge drinking on the weekends especially at social events where you coulg get carried away as this could have a big impact on your gut health and mood long term.

Goal: Drink less than 2.5 standard drinks in sitting.

3. Eat More Fibre

Fibre acts as a prebiotic which feeds beneficial bacteria in the digestive system.

Food Sources: Brown rice, quinoa, rye, wholegrain pasta, rolled oats, lentils, kidney beans, black beans, pinto beans, nuts and seeds.

Avoid: Refined carbohydrates such as white rice, white bread, white pasta, cakes, pastries and biscuits that are high in sugar. These foods are devoid of fibre and will starve your beneficial bugs long term, reducing their numbers.

Question of the Day

What foods are you going to add to your diet to increase your good bugs?

Let us know below, or Tag us on instagram, facebook or comment on our youtube video.

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