Have you ever gone to Bali and had Bali Belly ruin your Bali adventure?

Well in today’s blog we are going to cover, what is Bali belly, what are the symptoms, how you can avoid it, and what you can do to treat it, if you are unlucky enough to get it.

What is Bali Belly?

Bali belly is basically traveller’s diarrhoea from a bacteria and is usually picked up from food and water.

The symptoms of Bali belly can vary from person to person, but the signs to watch out for are:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Abdominal cramping and pain
  • Urgency to go to the toilet with diarrhoea
  • General fatigue
  • High temperature

The great thing is that Bali belly is largely avoidable. If you are looking to prevent this type of traveller’s diarrhoea next time you’re in Bali, then make sure you follow our tips to prevent it.

Top Tips to Prevent Bali Belly


1. Take the Right Probiotic

Did you know that there are many different types of probiotic strains and not every one has been clinically trialled to reduce the risk of traveller’s diarrhoea?

One of the best probiotics for preventing travellers diarrhoea is Saccharomyces Boulardii which is actually a beneficial yeast. This strain has been clinically trialled to both prevent and treat traveller’s diarrhoea.

Recommended dose: Start by taking 1 capsule per day before breakfast, 5 days before your Bali holiday and increase to 1 capsule twice daily before food, whilst on your holiday. An example brand that contains this probiotic strain and at the right dose, is the Ethical Nutrients Travel Bug.

If you are really prone to Bali Belly, this probiotic strain may not be enough. We’d then recommend seeing a Naturopath who can give you a tailored herbal formula containing ingredients like oregano, wormwood, black walnut and phellodendron which are natural anti-bacterial herbs to eradicate bad bacteria and reduce the incidence of traveller’s diarrhoea.

2. Wash Your Hands Thoroughly

This one sounds self explanatory but we’re going to include it because it’s essential!

When you’re on holiday, it’s often easy to get complacent and do a quick hand rinse instead of a thorough hand wash. To reduce the risk of passing on infections to yourself, aim to wash your hands for at least 15 seconds after going to the bathroom and before eating (especially if you’ve just handled money!).

This does not necessarily need to be with antibacterial soap as research has shown that there was no difference between normal soap and antibacterial soap to reduce bacteria on the hands, so plain soap and water is enough.

Next time you’re in Bali, practice good sanitation by properly washing your hands before eating and every time after you go to the bathroom.

3. Drink Bottled Water

Our third tip is to ensure that you only drink bottled water, not tap water. Even if you think the restaurant or hotel is clean enough.

Some restaurants wash their vegetables with bottled water, and some state it on their menus, so make sure you ask before you take the risk to eat fresh salads.

Also if you are unsure of the type of water the restaurants and cafes are using, skip the ice in your drinks (unless you know it’s definitely filtered, clean water), and beware of salads that may have been washed in tap water.

Lastly, when you are brushing your teeth it’s very easy to automatically rinse your tooth brush and mouth out with tap water. Most hotels will provide complimentary bottled water, so ensure you are brushing and rinsing your mouth with bottled water only.

4. Ensure Your Meat Is Well Cooked

Check your meat is well cooked before you eat it, particularly chicken. Bali belly is often transferred through faecal, oral route which means someone hasn’t washed their hands before preparing your food.

Ensuring your food is well cooked means this bacteria is less likely to be passed on and it will safeguard you against other types of food poisoning such as salmonella and shigella.

Tips to Manage Bali Belly if you are Unlucky to Get It

If you are unlucky enough to contract Bali belly, don’t worry we’ve also got you covered. Make sure you follow these tips to alleviate your symptoms and help you recover as quickly as possible.

1. Increase your probiotics (Saccharomyces Boulardii) to two capsules twice daily (this equates to 20 billion per day). This will alleviate diarrhoea by getting rid of the bad bacteria that’s causing you grief, it will also cut down the total days you are unwell.

2. Keep your fluid intake up by drinking an electrolyte formula from the chemist to ensure you are staying hydrated.

3. Avoid coconut water because it can act as a laxative when consumed in excess amounts, making your symptoms worse.

4. Eat easily digestible foods – like soups, stews, potatoes, and fruit.

If things get really bad like vomiting and diarrhoea (which could be food poisoning and not Bali belly) seek the help of a medical doctor. There are plenty around that can come to your villa or hotel on short notice.

We hope that this information will help you avoid Bali belly at all costs so that you can enjoy your Bali adventure to its full potential.

Question of the Day

Is there anything you have done to prevent Bali belly that you want to share?

Let us know below, or tag us on instagramfacebook or comment on our youtube video.

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