About us

Chloe and Rachel are twin sisters who have joined forces to empower the modern day woman to nourish their body, rewire their mindset and ignite long lasting change in this fast paced world.

Through an integrated approach, Chloe and Rachel support women to heal their mind and body so they can truly thrive.

After creating successful businesses individually as a Naturopath and Kinesiologist, they realised there was often a missing component to the treatment strategies they were providing for their clients.

Through this discovery, they have realised the profound link between the mind and body connection for whole wellness. By understanding the intricate relationship between our thoughts, emotionshealing and health, they are now on a mission to empower women with the same knowledge.

About Chloe

Chloe is a highly qualified Naturopath with over 11 years of experience in the natural medicine industry as a naturopathic medicine practitioner, writer and educator.

Following her love for health, wellness and helping people, Chloe completed an Advanced Diploma of Naturopathy in 2006 in Perth, followed by a Bachelor of Health Science in Complementary Medicine at Charles Sturt University in NSW.

In addition to her clinical practice in Perth and Brisbane, Chloe has worked with one of Australia’s leading natural medicine companies in evidence based natural medicine, where she was a writer and educator to Naturopaths, Nutritionists and Integrated Doctors.

During this time Chloe kept at the forefront of research in natural medicine allowing her to obtain a high level of understanding in the treatment of a variety of complex health conditions.

About Rachel

Rachel’s ongoing health issues through her 20’s lead her to study a Diploma of Nutritional Medicine in Brisbane and for a period of years, she followed the rabbit hole of natural health with her own health as the motivator.

Finally settling on an Advanced Diploma of Kinesiology and Mind Body Medicine in Sydney, she found her passion and purpose in life, the clouds parted and the world breathed a sigh of relief..for a moment.

Kinesiology then lead her to further studies in Life, Health & Wellness Coaching, NLP, Hypnotherapy and Holistic Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), landing her right back in sunny Perth.

Rachel’s thirst for knowledge will forever go unquenched. The biggest kick she gets out of life is guiding, supporting (and sometimes nudging) other women towards feeling calm and confident in who they are. Oh, and being surrounded by her people. That laugh at her bad jokes, and can’t help but smile at her bellowing laugh.

Fun Facts About Chloe

Favourite Healthy Food

Roasted broccoli with paprika and sea salt.

Favourite Dessert

Pear and berry crumble with Panna vanilla ice-cream.

What Quote Do You Live By?

The food you eat can either be the best medicine, or the slowest form of poison.

What Has Been The Best Thing About Being a Twin?

Always having someone to have fun with, oh and a second wardrobe in my size.

Fun Facts About Rach

 Favourite Healthy Food

Vegetarian Pho with an extra serving of Shitake Mushrooms!

Favourite Dessert

Fluffy buckwheat pancakes with strawberries , blueberries and maple syrup.

What Quote Do You Live By?

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. – Steve Jobs.”

What Has Been The Best Thing About Being a Twin?

Having someone that get can read my mind!

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