Work with Rachel

As a Mindset Coach and Kinesiologist, supporting women to break out of fear and anxiety, ditch the doubt and believe in themselves.

My focus and passion is to help you identify the root cause to your stress, and balance your body and mind holistically so that you can shine your light far and wide.

I can support you with:

Stress Management, Emotional Stress, Rewire Limiting Beliefs, Change old Patterns of Behaviour, Balance Gut issues and support Hormonal balance.

Do you struggle with

  • Constantly worrying about what others think of you?
  • Drowning out your inner critic, getting caught up in limiting beliefs like you aren’t good enough?
  • Physical symptoms to stress such as insomnia, fatigue, chronic pain, headaches, or digestive complaints?
  • Swing between bouts of anxiety and low mood states.
  • Allowing fear and a negative mindset paralyse you from moving forward.
  • Fail to complete projects, coming up with every excuse under the sun.

You aren’t alone!

Many women walk through my door and every single one of them have ONE thing in common.

Getting in their OWN way!

They stop themselves from shining bright and giving themselves permission to go after the goals that truly light them up. Whether that is a negative mindset, limiting beliefs, suppressed emotions, or old memories, these can all hold you back in some way.

If you let it.

I’ve been there too, so I understand how frustrating this can be.

By using my unique blend of Coaching, Timeline Therapy, Kinesiology and EFT we identify the mental, emotional and physical blocks that are holding you back and release them.

We then use coaching to support you to consciously and methodically create the deep, long term change you are searching for.


What I Offer


Kinesiology is a blend of Chinese Medicine and Western Anatomy & Physiology which uses a non invasive approach through muscle testing to identify and release emotional, mental and physical stress in your body and mind.

Timeline Therapy

A neurolinguistic programming process which rewires limiting beliefs, and releases negative emotions at the subconscious level. Over a series of sessions expect to feel calm and confident in who you are once again.


One to one coaching specialising in supporting you to believe in yourself, develop self-confidence and self-esteem, drop the fear and self-doubt, and change negative thoughts patterns.


Click the button below to book an appointment with Rachel.

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